сряда, 31 декември 2014 г.

Open Discovery Space NATIONAL CONTEST

Submit an innovative, interesting and successful teaching scenario via the ODS community website/portal and win a trip to the next summer school, 12 – 18 July 2015 in Attica, Greece. Deadline for submission: 15 January 2015. More information: http://www.galileoteachers.org/open-discovery-space-national-contest/ or click here.

неделя, 28 декември 2014 г.

Star in box

Star in a Box is in intereactive educational web-app which shows the life cycles stars through animated diagrams and charts. The display shows the variations of temperature,brightness and size as the star evolves Russell diagram. More information: http://lcogt.net/siab/ or ckick here

Inspiring science.education project

http://www.inspiringscience.eu/news or click here

сряда, 24 декември 2014 г.

Science Teachers in Europe

Инвестирайте в споделяне. Присъединете се към европейската общност на учителите в #Scientix http://bit.ly/194swod

сряда, 17 декември 2014 г.

Diffraction of electromagnetic radiation (light) on microobjects (slit)

Online experiment: http://kdt-13.karlov.mff.cuni.cz/sterbina_en.html or ckick here

сряда, 10 декември 2014 г.

Favorite Projects , Resources and Practices in Natural Sciences at Scientix

Привлекателна астрономия за младите хора със SalsaJ в проекта Scientix

Привлечете вниманието на учениците с увлекателни истории: http://bit.ly/1tgLVhF Ние обичаме добри истории. Споделете Вашите в #Scientix

Да се учим от грешките си! Какъв съвет бихте дали на един начинаещ учител по природни науки? #Scientix http://bit.ly/10sOZev

Според космонавта Карл Сейгън „Науката е много повече от съвкупност от знания.Тя e начин на мислене“. Учим ли на това? Споделете в #Scientix http://bit.ly/10t0r9V

Как разпалвате творческия дух в преподаването на природни науки? Споделете възгледите си в #Scientix

вторник, 18 ноември 2014 г.

Кои бяха любимите Ви учители и защо? Продължавайте да споделяте в #Scientix http://bit.ly/10sZNJz

Привлечете вниманието на учениците с увлекателни истории: http://bit.ly/1tgLVhF Ние обичаме добри истории. Споделете Вашите в #Scientix

вторник, 11 ноември 2014 г.

Ресурси за привлекателно образование по науки, технологии, инженеринг и математика в платформата Scientix

ReResources for attractive education in STEM at the Scientix platformsources for Attractive Education in ST... by Tsetsa

Любим ресурс в #Scientix ? Моят е слънчевата система от плодове: http://bit.ly/1BTPzjC. Кой е Вашият?

Страстта и здравият разум са еднакво важни за умелото преподаване. Съгласни? Продължавайте да споделяте в #Scientix http://bit.ly/194swod

вторник, 4 ноември 2014 г.

вторник, 28 октомври 2014 г.

Одобрени участници за Националната конференция по Scientix

Вече има списък на одобрените участници за за Националната конференция по Scientix на: http://www.math.bas.bg/omi/nso/?p=211 Кандидатите, които са одобрени без поемане на разходите, трябва да потвърдят участието си до 15 ноември 2014 г. на адрес scientix.bg@gmail.com. Одобрението участници, които са заявили участие в постер-сесията, трябва да изпратят постерите си в електронен вид до 25 ноември 2014 г. на адрес scientix.bg@gmail.com. Форматът на постер сесията е свободен, т.е. ще имате на разположение щанд, на който да презентирате с компютър или с други средства. В постерите трябва да присъства логото на Scientix и на домакина на конференцията, Института по математика и информатика на БАН, които можете да изтеглите оттук: Scientix и ИМИ-БАН

петък, 17 октомври 2014 г.

It’s all about Energy

It’s all about Energy е вече преведен на български език: http://files.eun.org/scientix/resources/TranslationOnDemand/SHELL-inGenious-IAAE_BG.pdf или кликнете тук.

inGenious Superbenz Workshop

Superbenz Workshop е вече преведен на български език: http://storage.eun.org/resources/upload/377/20141017_175632817_377_Shell_InGenious_Superbenz-Workshops_BG.pdf или кликнете тук.

четвъртък, 16 октомври 2014 г.

2nd SCIENTIX Conference

Втората SCIENTIX Конференцията ще се проведе 24-26 октомври 2014 г. в Брюксел , Белгия. В нея ще участват около 600 учители , политици , изследователи и мениджъри на проекти. Това ще бъде едно от най-големите събития за изграждане на мрежи в STEM образованието в Европа. Участието е безплатно. Освен това проектът SCIENTIX ще поеме освен настаняването и храната и пътя на 200 учители. От нашата страна ще участват 22 учители и университетски преподаватели. Конференцията ще бъде предавана онлине. Програмата на конференцията може да се види на: http://files.eun.org/scx2-conf-programme/2nd_Scientix_conference_final_programme-2014-10-2426.pdf или кликнете тук.

вторник, 9 септември 2014 г.

Kонференция на проекта Scientix

Поканим за участие в Националната конференция на проекта Scientix на 7-8 декември 2014 в ИМИ-БАН. Ще се представят последните тенденции в приложение на изследователския подход в образованието по математика и природни науки, както и възможности за използване на електронните ресурси от платформата на Scientix. В конференцията ще участват специалисти по образованието от няколко европейски страни, експерти, администратори и учители. Планирани са пленарни доклади, постер сесия, уъркшоп и панелна дискусия. Регистрацията за кандидатстване за участие е на адрес или на: http://www.math.bas.bg/omi/nso/?page_id=136 По-пълна информация можете да намерите на http://www.math.bas.bg/omi/nso/?cat=14 или на: http://www.math.bas.bg/omi/nso/?cat=14

вторник, 2 септември 2014 г.

събота, 30 август 2014 г.

Take part in the teacher training course on computer programming

The EUN's Future Classroom Lab is organizing a teacher training course, "Programming for the 21st century classroom", which will take place on 13-17 October 2014 in Brussels, Belgium. During the course teachers will learn about the importance of programming in today’s society and education, learn how to introduce programming in cross-curricular work, discover and test different programming tools, explore ways to motivate and encourage students, and develop a lesson plan for their classrooms. The workshop will be organised during the Europe Code Week. More information here: http://www.scientix.eu/web/guest/news/news-all/news-detail?p_p_id=webcontentbrowser_WAR_scientixportlet_INSTANCE_uvW3&p_p_lifecycle=0&p_p_state=normal&p_p_mode=view&p_p_col_id=column-1&p_p_col_pos=1&p_p_col_count=2&_webcontentbrowser_WAR_scientixportlet_INSTANCE_uvW3_action=view-detail&_webcontentbrowser_WAR_scientixportlet_INSTANCE_uvW3_groupId=10137&_webcontentbrowser_WAR_scientixportlet_INSTANCE_uvW3_articleId=170848

вторник, 12 август 2014 г.

Call for proposals, contests, IYL2015 and more from ROSA DORAN ( NUCLIO - Núcleo Interativo de Astronomia, PORTUGAL )

Call for proposals, contests, IYL2015 and more from ROSA DORAN ( NUCLIO - Núcleo Interativo de Astronomia ): Dear friends, Some news that can be of interest to you: 1) The IAU-OAD call for proposals 2014 are already open. The deadline is August 31st. Here you find the perfect opportunity to put in march those wonderful ideas you have for school education, to inspire young children, to engage a new generation of researchers and to promote outreach activities in your country. Don't miss this chance: http://www.astro4dev.org/aboutiauoad/cfp/ You can use this opportunity to promote GTTP training sessions to your teachers. We will be very glad to assist you with that. Don't forget that 2015 will be the International Year of Light (IYL2015) and there are many topics related to astronomy that you can promote via your education and/or outreach activities. Speaking of which: 2) Our proposal to IAU-IYL2015 call was approved. So you will be hearing more from us in the near future. We will be developing activities for a kit and online training on topics related to IYL2015. This proposal will be a joint effort by GTTP, UNAWE, Dark Skies Awareness, CosmoQuest, Touch the Universe and several partners who already manifested their interest in participating to this effort. So welcome to IYL2015, it will be another year to remember. We will count with the support of Inspiring Science Education (http://inspiringscience.eu/) and Dark Skies Alqueva (http://www.darkskyalqueva.com/eng/) 3) You are still in time to join us the the Astronomy Education Alliance Meeting that will take place in Portugal during the second week of September: http://handsonuniverse.org/astroeducation/ . The program is getting more and more interesting. We will soon announce the preliminary list of approved talks and workshops. It would be great to have you with us. 4) Go-lab contest: make an inspiring video and win amazon.com vounchers: http://www.galileoteachers.org/go-lab-video-contest/ 5) The next globe at night campaign start on August 15th. Take part, it is easy and fun: http://www.galileoteachers.org/globe-at-night-june-campaign/ 6) Keep updated with our news by subscribing our newsletter: http://www.galileoteachers.org/gttp-newsletter-july-2014/ 7) The this interesting Learning Space promoted by CosmoQuest and keep updated on many interesting topics related to education and outreach: http://cosmoquest.org/x/educatorszone/learning-space/ www.astro4dev.org

неделя, 10 август 2014 г.

InGenius Competition 2

The competition is divided in 4 categories. Teachers will make a poster on: 1. How their class implemented an inGenious practice 2. The adaptations of an inGenious practice 3. A new industry-school practice 4. Effects of inGenious on teachers’ activities. You can see Finalists and winners here: http://www.ingenious-science.eu/web/guest/poster-competition or clicking here.

сряда, 6 август 2014 г.

Go-Lab Summer Mini Video Contest

Креативни ли сте? Харесва ли ви да се ангажирате в проекти и да работите върху интересни идеи? Харесвате ли идеята за Go-Lab? Тогава участваите в Go-Lab Summer Mini видео конкурс на 2014 г. и спечелете Amazon ваучер на стойност до 150 евро! Всички заинтересовани групи, учители, научни фенове и студенти са поканени да вземат участие! Конкурсът започва 05 август 2014 г.! Вашата задача е да се създаде дълго 90-120 секунди видео обясняващо основната идея на Go-Lab по лесен и изобретателен начин. Покажете какво е Go-Lab и как можете да използвате този портал и онлайн лабораториите. Обяснете предимствата на Go-Lab. Можете да включите вашите роднини, приятели и студенти във вашата видео, използвайте някоя от лабораториите и приложения, които Go-Lab предлага или както желаете. Три от видеоклиповете с най-голям брой гласове в социалните медии ще бъдат наградени с ваучери Amazon (в стойност от 150 евро за първо, 100 евро за второ и 50 евро за трето място). Крайният срок за подаване на предложения е 31 август 2014г., а победителите ще бъдат обявени на 20 септември 2014. Повече информация на: http://www.scientix.eu/web/guest/news/news-all/news-detail?p_p_id=webcontentbrowser_WAR_scientixportlet_INSTANCE_Dj7F&p_p_lifecycle=0&p_p_state=normal&p_p_mode=view&p_p_col_id=column-1&p_p_col_pos=1&p_p_col_count=3&_webcontentbrowser_WAR_scientixportlet_INSTANCE_Dj7F_action=view-detail&_webcontentbrowser_WAR_scientixportlet_INSTANCE_Dj7F_groupId=10137&_webcontentbrowser_WAR_scientixportlet_INSTANCE_Dj7F_articleId=166745 или кликнете тук.

вторник, 8 юли 2014 г.

Вторa SCIENTIX конференция (24-26 October 2014 г.) - Регистрацията за конференцията вече е отворена всички желаещи!

Вторa SCIENTIX конференция (24-26 October 2014 г.) Втората SCIENTIX Конференцията ще се проведе 24-26 October 2014 г. в Брюксел, Белгия. При очакваното участие на около 550 учители, политици, изследователи и мениджъри на проекти, той ще бъде един от най-големите събития в мрежа в STEM образование в Европа. Участието ще бъде безплатно. Освен това, ще бъде платена нощувката (петък 24 и събота 25) за всички 550 участници, както и храната от петък вечер до неделя на обяд. Повече информация: http://www.scientix.eu/web/guest/conference • Поканата за участие вече е отворена. Краен срок за представяне на предложение за презентации, щандове, практически семинари и кръгла маса:. 31ви Юли 2014 Автори ще бъдат уведомени за успешните предложения от 31 август 2014 година. • Регистрацията за конференцията вече е отворена всички желаещи. Важно: Участието ще бъде одобрявано по реда на регистриране. Ако получите имейл с "Registration Confirmed - Scientix Conference 2014", това означава, че е потвърдена вашето участие. Обърнете специално внимание на условията и реда за SCIENTIX покриващи вашата настаняване петък 24 и събота 25 октомври. Регистрирайте се следвайки линковете от страницата за конференцията, дадена по-горе!

сряда, 25 юни 2014 г.

ISE Summer School for Teachers

From 13 – 18 of July 2014, “Discover the COSMOS: From Telescopes to Accelerators” summer school for teachers and educators will take place in Greece. Organised by Inspire Science Education (ISE), the summer school will comprise of open science resources, e-science tools in classroom, hands-on activities, and more. The program will also feature keynotes from Dr. Sofoklis Sotiriou on a 2500 years old inquiry activity, insight in the first scientific revolution by Prof. Kostas Gavroglou and Rosa Doran on how Galileo Teacher Training Program changing the world to a better place. The summer school will be held at Golden Coast Hotel & Bungalows, a sea-side hotel which stretches on the golden, sandy beach of the Marathon Bay, near the historic location of Marathon, at the outskirts of Athens. Full program at: http://ise.ea.gr/content/programme-discover-cosmos-telescopes-accelerators Ellinogermaniki Agogi offering funds to 5 inspiring European teachers to attend the summer school. The funds will cover the whole trip. Interested teachers are expected to support ISE efforts in the next school year and send in a power point presentation addressing below points: Previous GTTP/Discover the Cosmos training sessions participated if any. Which tools and methodologies do you use in classroom with the students. How did you implement these in classroom environment. Connection to the curriculum. The impact it had in your teaching practice/result with the students. Your motivation to participate in the summer school. Your commitment to represent Inspiring Science Education (ISE) in your country. Deadline to apply for funds: 30 June 2014

събота, 21 юни 2014 г.

European Schoolnet Academy - 2nd round

The first round of pilot courses ended in May and they have been a great success. Both courses - Future Classroom Scenarios course and the Innovative Practices for Engaging STEM Teaching course has been amazingly positive. Due to this success a 2nd round of both pilot courses will launch on 28th July and the Innovative Practices for Engaging STEM Teaching course will launch on 18th August. Enrollment for both courses is now open. If you were pressed for time and couldn't complete either course before the final deadline during the last round, use this opportunity to finish the course and earn your digital certificate. You can use the Twitter hashtags #FCScourse and #STEMcourse or join the Facebook groups to connect with fellow participants and ask any questions about the upcoming round of courses. The Future Classroom Scenarios group is here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/futureclassroomscenarios/. And the STEM group is here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ScienceTeachersEurope/ Stay tuned and regularly check what is coming up on the European Schoolnet Academy.

събота, 7 юни 2014 г.

The Global Experiment 2014

The Global Experiment 2014 23/05/2014 Take part in the Global Experiment 2014 and help answer the question: What are the best conditions for growing crystals? The Royal Society of Chemistry, UK, has launched a Global Experiment. The experiment asks students around the world to take part by growing crystals and posting their data online to find the best conditions. The experiment is aimed at 9-14 year old students worldwide. You can take part at home or in school as it uses non-specialised equipment and easily available materials. More information can be found at http://rsc.li/ge2014. The Global Experiments is part of the International Year of Crystallography 2014 (IYCr2014), which commemorates the centennial of X-ray diffraction and celebrates the important role of crystallography in the modern world. IYCr2014 is organised by the International Union of Crystallography, and supported by UNESCO.

сряда, 4 юни 2014 г.

Go-Lab online workshop: Inquiry Based STEM teaching with Online Labs

Take part in the Go-Lab workshops and learn how to use online demonstrations and experiments in the classroom. 12 June at 16.00 (CEST) register now! The focus of the workshops will be to explore the advantages and challenges of using remote and virtual labs in the classroom and carrying out live demonstrations and experiments. About Go-Lab The Go-Lab Project (Global Online Science Labs for Inquiry Learning at School) opens up remote science laboratories and their online models (online labs) for large-scale use in education. The project creates an infrastructure (the Go-Lab Portal) for secondary school STEM teachers to access and use online labs from renowned research organisations, such as European Space Agency or CERN, universities, and other research and education institutions. The project consortium comprises 19 organisations from 12 countries and is coordinated by the University of Twente, Netherlands. It is supported by the European Union's 7th Framework Programme.

четвъртък, 29 май 2014 г.

Scientix blog

Scientix Blog is the place where you will be able to find coverage from recent Scientix events as well as opinions and commentaries on current issues in STEM education, including STEM projects, publication reviews and anything to keep up-to-date with the state-of-play in STEM education research and... The web page Is: http://blog.scientix.eu/ or click here

ПОКАНА ЗА УЧАСТИЕ в конференцията по проекта SCIENTIX в Брюксел

ПОКАНА ЗА УЧАСТИЕ и конкурс за учители, които да пътуват до Брюксел за вторaта конференция по проекта SCIENTIX вече са отворени чрез уеб страницата на проекта: http://www.scientix.eu/web/guest/conference Крайният срок за представяне на предложения за презентации , щандове, практически семинари и кръгла маса е 31ви Юли 2014 Авторите ще бъдат уведомени за успешните предложения до 31 август 2014 година. При очакваното участие на около 550 учители , политици , изследователи и мениджъри на проекти , той ще бъде едно от най-големите събития в мрежа в STEM образование в Европа . Участието ще бъде безплатно . Освен това, за настаняване ( петък 24 и събота 25 ) за всички 550 участници , както и храната от петък вечер до неделя на обяд ще бъде също безплатно. Обърнете внимание, че SCIENTIX ще покрие също така пътуването на 200 учители за да присъства на конференцията . Повече за поканата на: http://www.cvent.com/events/scientix-conference-2014-call-for-papers/event-summary-22f2f0a0ef2e4ea988989b282ea91841.aspx Крайни срокове: • За да кандидатствате попълнeте въпросника по-долу до 16:00 h, сряда 25 Юни 2014: http://www.scientix.eu/web/guest/conference/call-for-grants-2014 • Бенефициентитe ще бъдат поканени чрез имейл от петък 4ти Юли, 2014. • Те трябва да потвърдят с обратен имейл приемането на безвъзмездната финансова помощ до понеделник 7 юли 2014. • Окончателен списък с потвърдени участници за безвъзмездни средства ще бъдат публикувани в сайта на четвъртък 10 юли, 2014 година. Регистрацията за конференцията ще бъде открита на 7 юли и участие ще бъде одобрявано според реда на заявките. Бъдете в крак с новините по проекта SCIENTIX като се регистрирате в сайта на проекта: www.scientix.eu и се абонирате за новините. Следете и публикациите във facebook групата по проекта и блога: http://blog.scientix.eu/

четвъртък, 24 април 2014 г.

4th Science Projects Workshop in the Future Classroom Lab, Brussels May 23 - 25th 2014

Scientix is organizing the 4th Science Projects Workshop in the Future Classroom Lab (SPW@FCL). This workshop will take place May 23 – 25th, 2014 in Brussels and will include: hands-on sessions in the Future Classroom Lab for 20 STEM teachers from across Europe (travel and accommodation covered by Scientix); 4th Scientix teachers’ spring workshop (by invitation); 3rd Scientix teachers kick-off (by invitation); and more! Applications for teachers are now open via: http://www.scientix.eu/web/guest/live/science-project-workshop#spw4-at-fcl or from here

сряда, 26 февруари 2014 г.

GLOBAL excursion

GLOBAL excursion (Extended Curriculum for Science Infrastructure Online) is a support action funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme -FP7 and attributed to DG Connect – Excellence in Science – Digital Science.
GLOBAL excursion is a new way to science education. In this project we will introduce e-Infrastructures to educators and their pupils between 14-18 years of age (upper stage school). The driving themes currently are Nano- and bio-technologies, as well as volunteer computing and life sciences with an interdisciplinary focus especially including ethical, legal and social aspects (ELSA).
The aims of GLOBAL excursion are basically twofold: on the one hand we envision to enrich science teaching in European schools and on the other hand we offer researchers and their institutions a promotion channel towards a school audience.  Via a central web portal, called the Virtual Science Hub – “ViSH” we will provide scientists, teachers and their pupils as well as policy makers a package of activities, materials, and tools for enabling the integration of e-Infrastructures into school curricula.
The ViSH is the main access point. It contains a selection of e-Infrastructures, a social network where scientists and teachers will be able to exchange and establish collaborations, and a virtual excursion room, where pupils will be able to experience real e-science applications in areas of high relevance for the future, such as Nano- and bio-technologies, volunteer computing, and life sciences.
The main purpose of the ViSH is to enable students and teachers access to the experimental laboratories and resources of selected e-Infrastructures in order to improve science curricula by enriching school’s existing teaching and learning materials. By connecting e-Infrastructures, resources and tools with schools, pupils can experience challenging and authentic learning scenarios. Thus, students gain insights in scientific real work and relive interest in natural science education.
During its first year the project has been concentrating on developing and implementing a first version of the ViSH in a truly participatory way. Teachers, as one of the main user groups, have been involved from the very beginning to co-design together with scientists and developers a service that meets their specific pedagogical requirements, that adapts to their personal teaching styles and that fits their specific teaching curricula.
 This is my excursion: "Explorations of solar activity and sunspots"

сряда, 19 февруари 2014 г.

Innovative Practices for Engaging STEM Teaching course

Innovative Practices for Engaging STEM Teaching

This course has been created by European Schoolnet, a network of 30 Ministries of Education around Europe, with the support of the inGenious project. This course starts on 17 March 2014!
inGenious is the European Coordinating Body in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education aiming to reinforce young people’s interest in science education and careers. If you are interested to know more please check the respective websites.
How can a teacher access online remote and virtual laboratories in order to perform experiments in the classroom?, What are the tricks and tips to organise a successful virtual visit to a research centre for your class?, How can we deal with stereotypes in science? - Those are some of the key questions we will be addressing in this course.
Have you already find a colleague to discuss the course topics? Make sure to revisit the map we’ve created for the course once in a while to see if there are any people taking the course that are close by. If you still haven’t added your location in the map ( https://www.zeemaps.com/map?group=833311 ), we suggest you to do it before the course starts (you’ll find instructions on how to do it in the map itself). You can also start meeting via Twitter using #stemcourse or via our Facebook page ( https://www.facebook.com/inGeniousScience )!
This course is open to anybody interested in STEM subjects, however, it is mainly addressed to science, engineering, technology and math teachers, career advisers and school counselors. 

The “Innovative Practices for Engaging STEM teaching” course aims to provide teachers, school counsellors and career advisers with resources and ideas to increase pupils’ interest for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) subjects and careers. The course is designed in response to the worrying disengagement of young people from STEM subjects in school, and their decreasing interest in related careers.
The course is structured into 8 modules which develop a learning path from the analysis of the reasons behind pupils’ disaffection for STEM to the development and experimentations with innovative practices to overcome it.
The first 5 modules focus on motivating and engaging students in the STEM area through different approaches such as taking part in virtual visits to research centres and the use of virtual and remote labs and other innovative tools in the classroom. The last 3 modules explore career counselling aspects, providing guidance on how to inform pupils on STEM careers prospects and to support them in their choice.
The “Innovative Practices for Engaging STEM teaching” course will last 8 weeks and will be animated by a European Schoolnet panel of experts who will contribute to it with their specific expertise and will engage participants through collaborative activities.
At the end of the course you will receive an electronic certificate of participation.
Course Modules:
Module 1 Increasing students’ engagement to study STEM: we address the reasons behind students’ demotivation regarding STEM subjects at school, and explore how to reverse the situation.
Module 2 Original teaching practices in the STEM classroom: we explore some innovative teaching practices and the opportunities and challenges they offer.
Module 3 Innovative STEM teaching - using STEM resources from across Europe: we focus on providing guidance on accessing teaching resources from educational STEM projects and how to effectively exchange resources with fellow STEM educators.
Module 4 Discovering virtual and remote labs and how to use them in the classroom: we present virtual and remote labs as innovative teaching tools for the STEM classroom.
Module 5 Exploring STEM in the real world - virtual visits to research centres: we explore some STEM passionate topics, areas and technologies currently used through virtual visits to research centres.
Module 6 Helping students to understand what STEM jobs are - career counselling: we give guidance to inform students about the STEM job market - its needs and possibilities.
Module 7 Meeting real life STEM professionals: we address the importance and impact on students of meeting real life STEM professionals, the existing programs and how schools can get involved in to set their own meetings.
Module 8 Dealing with stereotypes: we uncover the reality behind the gender issue related to STEM careers and jobs.

неделя, 16 февруари 2014 г.