сряда, 25 юни 2014 г.

ISE Summer School for Teachers

From 13 – 18 of July 2014, “Discover the COSMOS: From Telescopes to Accelerators” summer school for teachers and educators will take place in Greece. Organised by Inspire Science Education (ISE), the summer school will comprise of open science resources, e-science tools in classroom, hands-on activities, and more. The program will also feature keynotes from Dr. Sofoklis Sotiriou on a 2500 years old inquiry activity, insight in the first scientific revolution by Prof. Kostas Gavroglou and Rosa Doran on how Galileo Teacher Training Program changing the world to a better place. The summer school will be held at Golden Coast Hotel & Bungalows, a sea-side hotel which stretches on the golden, sandy beach of the Marathon Bay, near the historic location of Marathon, at the outskirts of Athens. Full program at: http://ise.ea.gr/content/programme-discover-cosmos-telescopes-accelerators Ellinogermaniki Agogi offering funds to 5 inspiring European teachers to attend the summer school. The funds will cover the whole trip. Interested teachers are expected to support ISE efforts in the next school year and send in a power point presentation addressing below points: Previous GTTP/Discover the Cosmos training sessions participated if any. Which tools and methodologies do you use in classroom with the students. How did you implement these in classroom environment. Connection to the curriculum. The impact it had in your teaching practice/result with the students. Your motivation to participate in the summer school. Your commitment to represent Inspiring Science Education (ISE) in your country. Deadline to apply for funds: 30 June 2014

събота, 21 юни 2014 г.

European Schoolnet Academy - 2nd round

The first round of pilot courses ended in May and they have been a great success. Both courses - Future Classroom Scenarios course and the Innovative Practices for Engaging STEM Teaching course has been amazingly positive. Due to this success a 2nd round of both pilot courses will launch on 28th July and the Innovative Practices for Engaging STEM Teaching course will launch on 18th August. Enrollment for both courses is now open. If you were pressed for time and couldn't complete either course before the final deadline during the last round, use this opportunity to finish the course and earn your digital certificate. You can use the Twitter hashtags #FCScourse and #STEMcourse or join the Facebook groups to connect with fellow participants and ask any questions about the upcoming round of courses. The Future Classroom Scenarios group is here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/futureclassroomscenarios/. And the STEM group is here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ScienceTeachersEurope/ Stay tuned and regularly check what is coming up on the European Schoolnet Academy.

събота, 7 юни 2014 г.

The Global Experiment 2014

The Global Experiment 2014 23/05/2014 Take part in the Global Experiment 2014 and help answer the question: What are the best conditions for growing crystals? The Royal Society of Chemistry, UK, has launched a Global Experiment. The experiment asks students around the world to take part by growing crystals and posting their data online to find the best conditions. The experiment is aimed at 9-14 year old students worldwide. You can take part at home or in school as it uses non-specialised equipment and easily available materials. More information can be found at http://rsc.li/ge2014. The Global Experiments is part of the International Year of Crystallography 2014 (IYCr2014), which commemorates the centennial of X-ray diffraction and celebrates the important role of crystallography in the modern world. IYCr2014 is organised by the International Union of Crystallography, and supported by UNESCO.

сряда, 4 юни 2014 г.

Go-Lab online workshop: Inquiry Based STEM teaching with Online Labs

Take part in the Go-Lab workshops and learn how to use online demonstrations and experiments in the classroom. 12 June at 16.00 (CEST) register now! The focus of the workshops will be to explore the advantages and challenges of using remote and virtual labs in the classroom and carrying out live demonstrations and experiments. About Go-Lab The Go-Lab Project (Global Online Science Labs for Inquiry Learning at School) opens up remote science laboratories and their online models (online labs) for large-scale use in education. The project creates an infrastructure (the Go-Lab Portal) for secondary school STEM teachers to access and use online labs from renowned research organisations, such as European Space Agency or CERN, universities, and other research and education institutions. The project consortium comprises 19 organisations from 12 countries and is coordinated by the University of Twente, Netherlands. It is supported by the European Union's 7th Framework Programme.