събота, 30 август 2014 г.

Take part in the teacher training course on computer programming

The EUN's Future Classroom Lab is organizing a teacher training course, "Programming for the 21st century classroom", which will take place on 13-17 October 2014 in Brussels, Belgium. During the course teachers will learn about the importance of programming in today’s society and education, learn how to introduce programming in cross-curricular work, discover and test different programming tools, explore ways to motivate and encourage students, and develop a lesson plan for their classrooms. The workshop will be organised during the Europe Code Week. More information here: http://www.scientix.eu/web/guest/news/news-all/news-detail?p_p_id=webcontentbrowser_WAR_scientixportlet_INSTANCE_uvW3&p_p_lifecycle=0&p_p_state=normal&p_p_mode=view&p_p_col_id=column-1&p_p_col_pos=1&p_p_col_count=2&_webcontentbrowser_WAR_scientixportlet_INSTANCE_uvW3_action=view-detail&_webcontentbrowser_WAR_scientixportlet_INSTANCE_uvW3_groupId=10137&_webcontentbrowser_WAR_scientixportlet_INSTANCE_uvW3_articleId=170848

вторник, 12 август 2014 г.

Call for proposals, contests, IYL2015 and more from ROSA DORAN ( NUCLIO - Núcleo Interativo de Astronomia, PORTUGAL )

Call for proposals, contests, IYL2015 and more from ROSA DORAN ( NUCLIO - Núcleo Interativo de Astronomia ): Dear friends, Some news that can be of interest to you: 1) The IAU-OAD call for proposals 2014 are already open. The deadline is August 31st. Here you find the perfect opportunity to put in march those wonderful ideas you have for school education, to inspire young children, to engage a new generation of researchers and to promote outreach activities in your country. Don't miss this chance: http://www.astro4dev.org/aboutiauoad/cfp/ You can use this opportunity to promote GTTP training sessions to your teachers. We will be very glad to assist you with that. Don't forget that 2015 will be the International Year of Light (IYL2015) and there are many topics related to astronomy that you can promote via your education and/or outreach activities. Speaking of which: 2) Our proposal to IAU-IYL2015 call was approved. So you will be hearing more from us in the near future. We will be developing activities for a kit and online training on topics related to IYL2015. This proposal will be a joint effort by GTTP, UNAWE, Dark Skies Awareness, CosmoQuest, Touch the Universe and several partners who already manifested their interest in participating to this effort. So welcome to IYL2015, it will be another year to remember. We will count with the support of Inspiring Science Education (http://inspiringscience.eu/) and Dark Skies Alqueva (http://www.darkskyalqueva.com/eng/) 3) You are still in time to join us the the Astronomy Education Alliance Meeting that will take place in Portugal during the second week of September: http://handsonuniverse.org/astroeducation/ . The program is getting more and more interesting. We will soon announce the preliminary list of approved talks and workshops. It would be great to have you with us. 4) Go-lab contest: make an inspiring video and win amazon.com vounchers: http://www.galileoteachers.org/go-lab-video-contest/ 5) The next globe at night campaign start on August 15th. Take part, it is easy and fun: http://www.galileoteachers.org/globe-at-night-june-campaign/ 6) Keep updated with our news by subscribing our newsletter: http://www.galileoteachers.org/gttp-newsletter-july-2014/ 7) The this interesting Learning Space promoted by CosmoQuest and keep updated on many interesting topics related to education and outreach: http://cosmoquest.org/x/educatorszone/learning-space/ www.astro4dev.org

неделя, 10 август 2014 г.

InGenius Competition 2

The competition is divided in 4 categories. Teachers will make a poster on: 1. How their class implemented an inGenious practice 2. The adaptations of an inGenious practice 3. A new industry-school practice 4. Effects of inGenious on teachers’ activities. You can see Finalists and winners here: http://www.ingenious-science.eu/web/guest/poster-competition or clicking here.

сряда, 6 август 2014 г.

Go-Lab Summer Mini Video Contest

Креативни ли сте? Харесва ли ви да се ангажирате в проекти и да работите върху интересни идеи? Харесвате ли идеята за Go-Lab? Тогава участваите в Go-Lab Summer Mini видео конкурс на 2014 г. и спечелете Amazon ваучер на стойност до 150 евро! Всички заинтересовани групи, учители, научни фенове и студенти са поканени да вземат участие! Конкурсът започва 05 август 2014 г.! Вашата задача е да се създаде дълго 90-120 секунди видео обясняващо основната идея на Go-Lab по лесен и изобретателен начин. Покажете какво е Go-Lab и как можете да използвате този портал и онлайн лабораториите. Обяснете предимствата на Go-Lab. Можете да включите вашите роднини, приятели и студенти във вашата видео, използвайте някоя от лабораториите и приложения, които Go-Lab предлага или както желаете. Три от видеоклиповете с най-голям брой гласове в социалните медии ще бъдат наградени с ваучери Amazon (в стойност от 150 евро за първо, 100 евро за второ и 50 евро за трето място). Крайният срок за подаване на предложения е 31 август 2014г., а победителите ще бъдат обявени на 20 септември 2014. Повече информация на: http://www.scientix.eu/web/guest/news/news-all/news-detail?p_p_id=webcontentbrowser_WAR_scientixportlet_INSTANCE_Dj7F&p_p_lifecycle=0&p_p_state=normal&p_p_mode=view&p_p_col_id=column-1&p_p_col_pos=1&p_p_col_count=3&_webcontentbrowser_WAR_scientixportlet_INSTANCE_Dj7F_action=view-detail&_webcontentbrowser_WAR_scientixportlet_INSTANCE_Dj7F_groupId=10137&_webcontentbrowser_WAR_scientixportlet_INSTANCE_Dj7F_articleId=166745 или кликнете тук.