The project Sun4all allows students from all over the world to work with real solar images and accomplish scientific results. For more information look here.
Brussels, 29 June 2011 - The European Union has a small budget, but with a big impact for Europe's citizens. The Commission's proposal for a multi-annual budget for 2014-2020 responds to today's concerns and tomorrow's needs. It focuses on priority funding at the EU level that provides added value. For instance, a Connecting Europe Facility that funds cross-border projects in energy, transport and information technology to strengthen the backbone of our internal market; significantly more money for Research and Innovation to invest in our competitiveness; and more funds for Europe’s youth – these are just some of the new elements in the Commission proposal. At the same time, this innovative EU budget remains focused: The overall amount proposed for the next seven years is €1,025 billion in commitments (1.05% of the EU GNI) and €972.2 billion (1% of EU GNI) in payments.
European public science education organisations can apply to the European Space Agency to host exclusive 20-minute video calls with Europe's next astronaut, André Kuipers, on the International Space Station.
Information technologies in teaching and the education process
17 June 2011, PG po KTS, Pravets
Guests: 1. Anders Svensson 2. Per-Olov Rapp 3. Sonya Hoffmeister 4. Philip James Snedegar 5. John Jamieson 6. Associate professor Krasimir Spirov 7. Chief assistant Maya Ilieva 8. PhD Veselin Bozhkov
Agenda: 1. Welcome speech by Chief assistant engineer Trifon Trifonov 2. PhD Veselin Bozhkov’s report 3. “Information technologies and didactics” - Associate professor Krasimir Spirov 4. “Electronic media for distance education” - Chief assistant Maya Ilieva 5. “The Moodle system application in History teaching” – Senior teacher Zdravko Spasov 6. “Blackboard” – Hristo Mindevski 7. “ICT in education in Germany” - Sonya Hoffmeister
( Coffee break – 15 minutes)
8. “IT, electronic education and WEB 2.0 tools as means of education and the new Internet platform for scientific education “Scientix”” - Senior teacher Tsetsa Tsolova 9. Presentation of an online test: “Do you know the animals from the Red Book of Bulgaria?” – by Dimitar Krasimirov Dimitrov – a student who has won a scholarship from the project “1000 Scholarships” for the academic 2009/2010 year under the direction of Chief assistant doctor engineer Mariana Manoeva. 10. “WEB 2.0 tools in education” – Nikolay Genov and Bozhidar Lazarov. 11. “Graduation works of our students” – presentations.
Материалът за отражение и пречупване е вече достъпен и на български език на: Подробности за анимацията може да видите тук:
Материалът за Галилеевата теория на относителността е достъпен вече и на български език на: Подробности за анимацията вижте тук
Днес стартира кандидатстването за безвъзмездни средства за пътуване и настаняване за конференцията на Scientix. Може да посетите следния сайт за регистрация, особено ако вече сте си закупили билет за полет и сте резервирали хотел:
За да се кандидатства за отпускане на безвъзмездна помощ, учителите ще трябва първо да са регистрирани за конференцията и в портала Scientix.
Един от критериите за избор, за получаване на субсидия за пътуване е участието в онлайн дискусия на Scientix форума:
Побързайте да се регистрирате и попълните документите за кандидатстване, тъй като крайнищт срок е петък, 18 март в 16:00!
CERN partners up with Google, LEGO, National Geographic and Scientific American to create a new kind of online science competition that is more global, open and inclusive than ever before. Students aged 13 - 18 from around the world are invited to enter and compete for once-in-a-lifetime experiences, scholarships and real-life work opportunities.
The competition is open to students aged 13 to 18 from around the world working on their own or in a team of two or three. The submission deadline is 4 April 2011.
Further information: and on Scientix's web page:
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