From 13 – 18 of July 2014, “Discover the COSMOS: From Telescopes to Accelerators” summer school for teachers and educators will take place in Greece. Organised by Inspire Science Education (ISE), the summer school will comprise of open science resources, e-science tools in classroom, hands-on activities, and more.
The program will also feature keynotes from Dr. Sofoklis Sotiriou on a 2500 years old inquiry activity, insight in the first scientific revolution by Prof. Kostas Gavroglou and Rosa Doran on how Galileo Teacher Training Program changing the world to a better place.
The summer school will be held at Golden Coast Hotel & Bungalows, a sea-side hotel which stretches on the golden, sandy beach of the Marathon Bay, near the historic location of Marathon, at the outskirts of Athens.
Full program at:
Ellinogermaniki Agogi offering funds to 5 inspiring European teachers to attend the summer school. The funds will cover the whole trip. Interested teachers are expected to support ISE efforts in the next school year and send in a power point presentation addressing below points:
Previous GTTP/Discover the Cosmos training sessions participated if any.
Which tools and methodologies do you use in classroom with the students.
How did you implement these in classroom environment.
Connection to the curriculum.
The impact it had in your teaching practice/result with the students.
Your motivation to participate in the summer school.
Your commitment to represent Inspiring Science Education (ISE) in your country.
Deadline to apply for funds: 30 June 2014
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