Don’t miss your chance to learn more about the main actors of Scientix, meeting other members, sharing experiences, and contribute in improving the science education in Europe during the first Scientix Conference on 6-8 May 2011 in Brussels, Belgium. The number of participants will be limited, so book your place well in advance!
There is also a number of places for speakers and exhibitors available! If you are working with science education and would like to share your project, research, tools or good practices with the conference participants, check out the different sessions and workshops in the registration form (available soon).
петък, 3 декември 2010 г.
събота, 20 ноември 2010 г.
How does TV work?
This is a basic model of TV operation.
It shows a camera taking a picture and a TV set showing it.
You may use the pen tool to draw a picture on the left and watch it being regenerated on the TV set.
It shows a camera taking a picture and a TV set showing it.
You may use the pen tool to draw a picture on the left and watch it being regenerated on the TV set.
Typing lessons
You may:
* Check in Which fingers go here to see which finger should hit each key
* Go to 1.Home Row, Left Hand and start the lesson
(Go to the bottom of the page and click on Click here to start)
* Continue with the rest of the lessons
* Check in Which fingers go here to see which finger should hit each key
* Go to 1.Home Row, Left Hand and start the lesson
(Go to the bottom of the page and click on Click here to start)
* Continue with the rest of the lessons
Young's Double Slit Experiment
Double slit experiment showing interference and diffraction.
You may change the:
* Distance between the slits
* Wave length
* Width of a slit
* Slit to screen distance
You may also:
* Switch from viewing the experiment to viewing the results
* Click and drag anywhere on the screen to change the viewpoint
* Double click anywhere to shift the origin
You may change the:
* Distance between the slits
* Wave length
* Width of a slit
* Slit to screen distance
You may also:
* Switch from viewing the experiment to viewing the results
* Click and drag anywhere on the screen to change the viewpoint
* Double click anywhere to shift the origin
Time dilation
The image shows a stationary clock and a clock located on a rocket moving at constant velocity.
Both clocks click when a photon bounces.
You may:
* Change the rocket's speed (as a percentage of the speed of light)
* Restart both clocks with the Reset button
* See the "Version of the applet with length contraction"
Both clocks click when a photon bounces.
You may:
* Change the rocket's speed (as a percentage of the speed of light)
* Restart both clocks with the Reset button
* See the "Version of the applet with length contraction"
Forces on pendulum
The animation shows the weight, the force due to tension and the total force exerted on the bob of a pendulum.
You may:
* Pause the simulation
* Follow the oscillation step by step, in both back and forth motion
You may:
* Pause the simulation
* Follow the oscillation step by step, in both back and forth motion
Radioactive decay
A simulation illustrating radioactive decay.
The table shows some isotopes.
Choose an element and check whether it is stable or not.
If it is unstable, wait a few seconds and it will decay.
The table shows some isotopes.
Choose an element and check whether it is stable or not.
If it is unstable, wait a few seconds and it will decay.
Galilean relativity
A simulation illustrating Galileo's experiment about relative motion.
A train is moving with constant velocity v and people are standing on the platform.
Balls are dropped or thrown with velocity v, both inside and outside the train.
A train is moving with constant velocity v and people are standing on the platform.
Balls are dropped or thrown with velocity v, both inside and outside the train.
A simulation which explores reflection and refraction from air to glass and from glass to air, including total internal reflection.
You may change the:
* Index of refraction of the glass
* Angle of incidence
A simulation which explores reflection and refraction from air to glass and from glass to air, including total internal reflection.
You may change the:
* Index of refraction of the glass
* Angle of incidence
Ohm’s law
This simulation explores intensity (I) and voltage (V) in a simple circuit.
You may change the:
* Maximum values tolerated by the meters
* Resistance, R
* Battery voltage, E
You can measure:
* Intensity, I
* Voltage, V
This simulation explores intensity (I) and voltage (V) in a simple circuit.
You may change the:
* Maximum values tolerated by the meters
* Resistance, R
* Battery voltage, E
You can measure:
* Intensity, I
* Voltage, V
Sound Wave
Frequently sound is described using terms such as pitch, tone, frequency, intensity or loudness. To understand the origins of these terms as well as to understand the mathematical models used to represent sound, this applet can help you to explore the dynamics of a sound wave.
Frequently sound is described using terms such as pitch, tone, frequency, intensity or loudness. To understand the origins of these terms as well as to understand the mathematical models used to represent sound, this applet can help you to explore the dynamics of a sound wave.
Motion with Constant Acceleration
A car moves with constant acceleration.
Digital clocks indicate the time elapsed since the car starts moving and up to the green or red light barrier.
Diagrams illustrate the motion versus time t in terms of:
* Position x
* Velocity v
* Acceleration a
Velocity and acceleration vectors may be displayed.
A car moves with constant acceleration.
Digital clocks indicate the time elapsed since the car starts moving and up to the green or red light barrier.
Diagrams illustrate the motion versus time t in terms of:
* Position x
* Velocity v
* Acceleration a
Velocity and acceleration vectors may be displayed.
Displace and Distance
An exercise designed to explore the difference between the distance travelled and the displacement travelled.
An exercise designed to explore the difference between the distance travelled and the displacement travelled.
Conservation of energy
This simulation allows us to experiment with mechanical energy conservation.
You may modify:
* The initial height
* The height of the barrier
* The loop radius
You may also show the position of the cart at equal time intervals.
Memory remanence
сряда, 10 ноември 2010 г.
Join the U4energy competition!

Европейската комисия започна U4energy, нов конкурс, за да насърчи енергийните спестявания в цяла Европа. В конкурса могат да участват учители и ученици в 31 европейски страни, и ще възнагради най-добрите енергоспестяващи практики в училищата.
Подробности тук:;jsessionid=CC3E82F09B78FE05851C8C62919137BD
вторник, 9 ноември 2010 г.
Greenlight for Girls "Science Day"

The Greenlight for Girls “Science Day” aims to get girls interested in science and technology through interactive workshops on subjects ranging from digital music to DNA research. The workshops are led by outstanding women in their fields.
Registration is open for girls aged 11 to 15 from the Brussels region at
Export to iCal
сряда, 3 ноември 2010 г.
Popularity and Relevance
of Science Education for Science Literacy
PARSEL е проект, с който се цели да се увеличи популярността и значението на научното образование с помощта на преподаването и изучаването на модула. Тъй като общата цел е подобряване на научната грамотност на учениците, модулите са насочени към насърчаване на гражданската отговорност.
How to heat my house?
Това е един интересен проект, свързан с енергиината ефективност.
Popularity and Relevance
of Science Education for Science Literacy
PARSEL е проект, с който се цели да се увеличи популярността и значението на научното образование с помощта на преподаването и изучаването на модула. Тъй като общата цел е подобряване на научната грамотност на учениците, модулите са насочени към насърчаване на гражданската отговорност.
How to heat my house?
Това е един интересен проект, свързан с енергиината ефективност.
четвъртък, 21 октомври 2010 г.
понеделник, 18 октомври 2010 г.

Подобряване на обучението на учителите по математика и науки
ITEMS (Improving Teacher Education in Maths and Science)
Целта на този онлайн курс е да представи учебни материали за получаване на първоначални познания по електричество, насочени към ученици на възраст между 12 и 16 години.
Материалите ги насърчават и им дават възможност да се научат чрез проучване. Те са предоставени на разположение чрез платформата за online обучение Moodle. Симулации и анимации са вградени в проучването използвайки Phet симулации:
След завършването на курса, учителите разполагат с лично копие от материалите да се използват интерактивно с техните ученици online, ако желаят.

Scientix е уеб базирана oбщност за научното образование в Европа, отворена за преподаватели, изследователи, политици и всички желаещи в областта на научното образование.
Scientix се управлява от Европейската Училищна Мрежа (European Schoolnet) от името на Европейската комисия: Генерална дирекция "Изследвания - 7РП" Наука в обществото програмата“ (European Commission (DG Research - FP7 Science in Society Programme).
Повече информация може да видите на следната web page:
Новини и подробна информация ще бъдат качвани непрекъснато в моя блог:
Presentation about Scientix
неделя, 20 юни 2010 г.
вторник, 15 юни 2010 г.
Scientix: The new web-based community for Science Education
About Scientix
Scientix is the web-based community for science education in Europe open for teachers, researchers, policy makers and anyone interested in science education. Scientix is operated by European Schoolnet on behalf of the European Commission (DG Research - FP7 Science in Society Programme).
The European Commission has launched Scientix (, a new web portal targeted towards teachers, researchers, policy makers, local actors, parents and anyone interested in science education. Scientix gives access to teaching materials, research results and policy documents from European science education projects financed by the European Union and by various national initiatives.
The new platform will facilitate regular dissemination and sharing of news, know-how, and best practices in science education across the European Union. Scientix is operated by European Schoolnet ( on behalf of the European Commission (DG Research - FP7 Science in Society Programme).
Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, European Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science said: “Scientix will allow every science teacher and student to benefit from excellent teaching materials developed by European and national research projects. So Scientix will contribute both to inspiring young people with science and to maximising value for every euro Europe spends on science education. It will also be a place for everybody interested in science education to exchange news and views."
The philosophy of the platform can be summarised by the following keywords: search, find and engage. The information and services provided cover several dimensions of science education and will attract all kind of actors involved in science education: teachers, researchers, policy makers, local actors, parents, and young people. For example, for teachers Scientix has collected teaching materials from hundreds of European projects and will make them available in all European languages upon request.
This new portal is available in six languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Polish and will give access to the main findings of European science education projects financed by the European Union under the 6th and 7th Framework Programmes for Research and Technological Development (Directorate General Research), the Lifelong Learning Programme (Directorate General Education and Culture) and various national initiatives
However Scientix is not only a website! Several events and workshops will be organised in the next three years. The main event will be the Scientix conference May 6 - 8, 2011, which will promote networking among the science and education community and provide feedback on the services offered online. A monthly newsletter will also be sent out to provide information about updates on the portal.
About Scientix
Scientix is the web-based community for science education in Europe open for teachers, researchers, policy makers and anyone interested in science education. Scientix is operated by European Schoolnet on behalf of the European Commission (DG Research - FP7 Science in Society Programme).
The European Commission has launched Scientix (, a new web portal targeted towards teachers, researchers, policy makers, local actors, parents and anyone interested in science education. Scientix gives access to teaching materials, research results and policy documents from European science education projects financed by the European Union and by various national initiatives.
The new platform will facilitate regular dissemination and sharing of news, know-how, and best practices in science education across the European Union. Scientix is operated by European Schoolnet ( on behalf of the European Commission (DG Research - FP7 Science in Society Programme).
Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, European Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science said: “Scientix will allow every science teacher and student to benefit from excellent teaching materials developed by European and national research projects. So Scientix will contribute both to inspiring young people with science and to maximising value for every euro Europe spends on science education. It will also be a place for everybody interested in science education to exchange news and views."
The philosophy of the platform can be summarised by the following keywords: search, find and engage. The information and services provided cover several dimensions of science education and will attract all kind of actors involved in science education: teachers, researchers, policy makers, local actors, parents, and young people. For example, for teachers Scientix has collected teaching materials from hundreds of European projects and will make them available in all European languages upon request.
This new portal is available in six languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Polish and will give access to the main findings of European science education projects financed by the European Union under the 6th and 7th Framework Programmes for Research and Technological Development (Directorate General Research), the Lifelong Learning Programme (Directorate General Education and Culture) and various national initiatives
However Scientix is not only a website! Several events and workshops will be organised in the next three years. The main event will be the Scientix conference May 6 - 8, 2011, which will promote networking among the science and education community and provide feedback on the services offered online. A monthly newsletter will also be sent out to provide information about updates on the portal.
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