сряда, 31 декември 2014 г.
Open Discovery Space NATIONAL CONTEST
неделя, 28 декември 2014 г.
Star in box
сряда, 24 декември 2014 г.
Science Teachers in Europe
сряда, 17 декември 2014 г.
сряда, 10 декември 2014 г.
вторник, 18 ноември 2014 г.
понеделник, 17 ноември 2014 г.
вторник, 11 ноември 2014 г.
вторник, 4 ноември 2014 г.
вторник, 28 октомври 2014 г.
Одобрени участници за Националната конференция по Scientix
събота, 18 октомври 2014 г.
петък, 17 октомври 2014 г.
It’s all about Energy
inGenious Superbenz Workshop
четвъртък, 16 октомври 2014 г.
2nd SCIENTIX Conference
вторник, 7 октомври 2014 г.
вторник, 9 септември 2014 г.
Kонференция на проекта Scientix
вторник, 2 септември 2014 г.
събота, 30 август 2014 г.
Take part in the teacher training course on computer programming
вторник, 12 август 2014 г.
Call for proposals, contests, IYL2015 and more from ROSA DORAN ( NUCLIO - Núcleo Interativo de Astronomia, PORTUGAL )
неделя, 10 август 2014 г.
InGenius Competition 2
сряда, 6 август 2014 г.
Go-Lab Summer Mini Video Contest
вторник, 8 юли 2014 г.
Вторa SCIENTIX конференция (24-26 October 2014 г.) - Регистрацията за конференцията вече е отворена всички желаещи!
петък, 27 юни 2014 г.
сряда, 25 юни 2014 г.
ISE Summer School for Teachers

събота, 21 юни 2014 г.
European Schoolnet Academy - 2nd round
събота, 7 юни 2014 г.
The Global Experiment 2014
сряда, 4 юни 2014 г.
Go-Lab online workshop: Inquiry Based STEM teaching with Online Labs
четвъртък, 29 май 2014 г.
Scientix blog
ПОКАНА ЗА УЧАСТИЕ в конференцията по проекта SCIENTIX в Брюксел
ПОКАНА ЗА УЧАСТИЕ и конкурс за учители, които да пътуват до Брюксел за вторaта конференция по проекта SCIENTIX вече са отворени чрез уеб страницата на проекта:
Крайният срок за представяне на предложения за презентации , щандове, практически семинари и кръгла маса е 31ви Юли 2014 Авторите ще бъдат уведомени за успешните предложения до 31 август 2014 година.
При очакваното участие на около 550 учители , политици , изследователи и мениджъри на проекти , той ще бъде едно от най-големите събития в мрежа в STEM образование в Европа .
Участието ще бъде безплатно . Освен това, за настаняване ( петък 24 и събота 25 ) за всички 550 участници , както и храната от петък вечер до неделя на обяд ще бъде също безплатно. Обърнете внимание, че SCIENTIX ще покрие също така пътуването на 200 учители за да присъства на конференцията .
Повече за поканата на: http://www.cvent.com/events/scientix-conference-2014-call-for-papers/event-summary-22f2f0a0ef2e4ea988989b282ea91841.aspx
Крайни срокове:
• За да кандидатствате попълнeте въпросника по-долу до 16:00 h, сряда 25 Юни 2014:
• Бенефициентитe ще бъдат поканени чрез имейл от петък 4ти Юли, 2014.
• Те трябва да потвърдят с обратен имейл приемането на безвъзмездната финансова помощ до понеделник 7 юли 2014.
• Окончателен списък с потвърдени участници за безвъзмездни средства ще бъдат публикувани в сайта на четвъртък 10 юли, 2014 година.
Регистрацията за конференцията ще бъде открита на 7 юли и участие ще бъде одобрявано според реда на заявките.
Бъдете в крак с новините по проекта SCIENTIX като се регистрирате в сайта на проекта: www.scientix.eu и се абонирате за новините. Следете и публикациите във facebook групата по проекта и блога: http://blog.scientix.eu/
събота, 17 май 2014 г.
вторник, 13 май 2014 г.
понеделник, 12 май 2014 г.
четвъртък, 24 април 2014 г.
4th Science Projects Workshop in the Future Classroom Lab, Brussels May 23 - 25th 2014
четвъртък, 10 април 2014 г.
неделя, 6 април 2014 г.
четвъртък, 13 март 2014 г.
четвъртък, 6 март 2014 г.
петък, 28 февруари 2014 г.
сряда, 26 февруари 2014 г.
GLOBAL excursion
GLOBAL excursion (Extended Curriculum for Science Infrastructure
Online) is a support action funded by the European Commission under the
Seventh Framework Programme -FP7 and attributed to DG Connect – Excellence in Science – Digital Science.
GLOBAL excursion is a new way to science education. In this project we will introduce e-Infrastructures to educators and their pupils between 14-18 years of age (upper stage school). The driving themes currently are Nano- and bio-technologies, as well as volunteer computing and life sciences with an interdisciplinary focus especially including ethical, legal and social aspects (ELSA).
The aims of GLOBAL excursion are basically twofold: on the one hand we envision to enrich science teaching in European schools and on the other hand we offer researchers and their institutions a promotion channel towards a school audience. Via a central web portal, called the Virtual Science Hub – “ViSH” we will provide scientists, teachers and their pupils as well as policy makers a package of activities, materials, and tools for enabling the integration of e-Infrastructures into school curricula.
The ViSH is the main access point. It contains a selection of e-Infrastructures, a social network where scientists and teachers will be able to exchange and establish collaborations, and a virtual excursion room, where pupils will be able to experience real e-science applications in areas of high relevance for the future, such as Nano- and bio-technologies, volunteer computing, and life sciences.
The main purpose of the ViSH is to enable students and teachers access to the experimental laboratories and resources of selected e-Infrastructures in order to improve science curricula by enriching school’s existing teaching and learning materials. By connecting e-Infrastructures, resources and tools with schools, pupils can experience challenging and authentic learning scenarios. Thus, students gain insights in scientific real work and relive interest in natural science education.
During its first year the project has been concentrating on developing and implementing a first version of the ViSH in a truly participatory way. Teachers, as one of the main user groups, have been involved from the very beginning to co-design together with scientists and developers a service that meets their specific pedagogical requirements, that adapts to their personal teaching styles and that fits their specific teaching curricula.
This is my excursion: "Explorations of solar activity and sunspots"
GLOBAL excursion is a new way to science education. In this project we will introduce e-Infrastructures to educators and their pupils between 14-18 years of age (upper stage school). The driving themes currently are Nano- and bio-technologies, as well as volunteer computing and life sciences with an interdisciplinary focus especially including ethical, legal and social aspects (ELSA).
The aims of GLOBAL excursion are basically twofold: on the one hand we envision to enrich science teaching in European schools and on the other hand we offer researchers and their institutions a promotion channel towards a school audience. Via a central web portal, called the Virtual Science Hub – “ViSH” we will provide scientists, teachers and their pupils as well as policy makers a package of activities, materials, and tools for enabling the integration of e-Infrastructures into school curricula.
The ViSH is the main access point. It contains a selection of e-Infrastructures, a social network where scientists and teachers will be able to exchange and establish collaborations, and a virtual excursion room, where pupils will be able to experience real e-science applications in areas of high relevance for the future, such as Nano- and bio-technologies, volunteer computing, and life sciences.
The main purpose of the ViSH is to enable students and teachers access to the experimental laboratories and resources of selected e-Infrastructures in order to improve science curricula by enriching school’s existing teaching and learning materials. By connecting e-Infrastructures, resources and tools with schools, pupils can experience challenging and authentic learning scenarios. Thus, students gain insights in scientific real work and relive interest in natural science education.
During its first year the project has been concentrating on developing and implementing a first version of the ViSH in a truly participatory way. Teachers, as one of the main user groups, have been involved from the very beginning to co-design together with scientists and developers a service that meets their specific pedagogical requirements, that adapts to their personal teaching styles and that fits their specific teaching curricula.
This is my excursion: "Explorations of solar activity and sunspots"
сряда, 19 февруари 2014 г.
Innovative Practices for Engaging STEM Teaching course
Innovative Practices for Engaging STEM Teaching
This course has been created by European Schoolnet, a network of 30 Ministries of Education around Europe, with the support of the inGenious project. This course starts on 17 March 2014!
inGenious is the European Coordinating Body in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education aiming to reinforce young people’s interest in science education and careers. If you are interested to know more please check the respective websites.
How can a teacher access online remote and virtual laboratories in order to perform experiments in the classroom?, What are the tricks and tips to organise a successful virtual visit to a research centre for your class?, How can we deal with stereotypes in science? - Those are some of the key questions we will be addressing in this course.
Have you already find a colleague to discuss the course topics? Make sure to revisit the map we’ve created for the course once in a while to see if there are any people taking the course that are close by. If you still haven’t added your location in the map ( https://www.zeemaps.com/map?group=833311 ), we suggest you to do it before the course starts (you’ll find instructions on how to do it in the map itself). You can also start meeting via Twitter using #stemcourse or via our Facebook page ( https://www.facebook.com/inGeniousScience )!
This course is open to anybody interested in STEM subjects, however, it is mainly addressed to science, engineering, technology and math teachers, career advisers and school counselors.
The “Innovative Practices for Engaging STEM teaching” course aims to provide teachers, school counsellors and career advisers with resources and ideas to increase pupils’ interest for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) subjects and careers. The course is designed in response to the worrying disengagement of young people from STEM subjects in school, and their decreasing interest in related careers.
The course is structured into 8 modules which develop a learning path from the analysis of the reasons behind pupils’ disaffection for STEM to the development and experimentations with innovative practices to overcome it.
The first 5 modules focus on motivating and engaging students in the STEM area through different approaches such as taking part in virtual visits to research centres and the use of virtual and remote labs and other innovative tools in the classroom. The last 3 modules explore career counselling aspects, providing guidance on how to inform pupils on STEM careers prospects and to support them in their choice.
The “Innovative Practices for Engaging STEM teaching” course will last 8 weeks and will be animated by a European Schoolnet panel of experts who will contribute to it with their specific expertise and will engage participants through collaborative activities.
At the end of the course you will receive an electronic certificate of participation.
Course Modules:
Module 1 Increasing students’ engagement to study STEM: we address the reasons behind students’ demotivation regarding STEM subjects at school, and explore how to reverse the situation.
Module 2 Original teaching practices in the STEM classroom: we explore some innovative teaching practices and the opportunities and challenges they offer.
Module 3 Innovative STEM teaching - using STEM resources from across Europe: we focus on providing guidance on accessing teaching resources from educational STEM projects and how to effectively exchange resources with fellow STEM educators.
Module 4 Discovering virtual and remote labs and how to use them in the classroom: we present virtual and remote labs as innovative teaching tools for the STEM classroom.
Module 5 Exploring STEM in the real world - virtual visits to research centres: we explore some STEM passionate topics, areas and technologies currently used through virtual visits to research centres.
Module 6 Helping students to understand what STEM jobs are - career counselling: we give guidance to inform students about the STEM job market - its needs and possibilities.
Module 7 Meeting real life STEM professionals: we address the importance and impact on students of meeting real life STEM professionals, the existing programs and how schools can get involved in to set their own meetings.
Module 8 Dealing with stereotypes: we uncover the reality behind the gender issue related to STEM careers and jobs.
This course has been created by European Schoolnet, a network of 30 Ministries of Education around Europe, with the support of the inGenious project. This course starts on 17 March 2014!
inGenious is the European Coordinating Body in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education aiming to reinforce young people’s interest in science education and careers. If you are interested to know more please check the respective websites.
How can a teacher access online remote and virtual laboratories in order to perform experiments in the classroom?, What are the tricks and tips to organise a successful virtual visit to a research centre for your class?, How can we deal with stereotypes in science? - Those are some of the key questions we will be addressing in this course.
Have you already find a colleague to discuss the course topics? Make sure to revisit the map we’ve created for the course once in a while to see if there are any people taking the course that are close by. If you still haven’t added your location in the map ( https://www.zeemaps.com/map?group=833311 ), we suggest you to do it before the course starts (you’ll find instructions on how to do it in the map itself). You can also start meeting via Twitter using #stemcourse or via our Facebook page ( https://www.facebook.com/inGeniousScience )!
This course is open to anybody interested in STEM subjects, however, it is mainly addressed to science, engineering, technology and math teachers, career advisers and school counselors.
The “Innovative Practices for Engaging STEM teaching” course aims to provide teachers, school counsellors and career advisers with resources and ideas to increase pupils’ interest for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) subjects and careers. The course is designed in response to the worrying disengagement of young people from STEM subjects in school, and their decreasing interest in related careers.
The course is structured into 8 modules which develop a learning path from the analysis of the reasons behind pupils’ disaffection for STEM to the development and experimentations with innovative practices to overcome it.
The first 5 modules focus on motivating and engaging students in the STEM area through different approaches such as taking part in virtual visits to research centres and the use of virtual and remote labs and other innovative tools in the classroom. The last 3 modules explore career counselling aspects, providing guidance on how to inform pupils on STEM careers prospects and to support them in their choice.
The “Innovative Practices for Engaging STEM teaching” course will last 8 weeks and will be animated by a European Schoolnet panel of experts who will contribute to it with their specific expertise and will engage participants through collaborative activities.
At the end of the course you will receive an electronic certificate of participation.
Course Modules:
Module 1 Increasing students’ engagement to study STEM: we address the reasons behind students’ demotivation regarding STEM subjects at school, and explore how to reverse the situation.
Module 2 Original teaching practices in the STEM classroom: we explore some innovative teaching practices and the opportunities and challenges they offer.
Module 3 Innovative STEM teaching - using STEM resources from across Europe: we focus on providing guidance on accessing teaching resources from educational STEM projects and how to effectively exchange resources with fellow STEM educators.
Module 4 Discovering virtual and remote labs and how to use them in the classroom: we present virtual and remote labs as innovative teaching tools for the STEM classroom.
Module 5 Exploring STEM in the real world - virtual visits to research centres: we explore some STEM passionate topics, areas and technologies currently used through virtual visits to research centres.
Module 6 Helping students to understand what STEM jobs are - career counselling: we give guidance to inform students about the STEM job market - its needs and possibilities.
Module 7 Meeting real life STEM professionals: we address the importance and impact on students of meeting real life STEM professionals, the existing programs and how schools can get involved in to set their own meetings.
Module 8 Dealing with stereotypes: we uncover the reality behind the gender issue related to STEM careers and jobs.
неделя, 16 февруари 2014 г.
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